Switch walkthrough- neutral

Résolvez les indices.In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles Somehow you are in the locked room. Let's escape from this room by full use of hidden items and your brain.

Play  game


Disponible pour jouer avec.Available to play with Flashpoint 12.1 infinity


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Lights walkthrough -neutral

Résolvez les indices.In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles .Somehow you are in the locked sunny room. Let's escape from this room by full use of hidden items and your brain.

PLAY game

ATTENTION les codes changent par jeu


Aussi disponible pour jouer avec Flashpoint 12.1 infinity

soluce images eet written ici

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Neutral Christmas Escape 3 walkthrough - neutral

Résolvez les indices.In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles PLAY game

 This is 3rd easy escape game for Christmas season. This time, the game stage is an outdoor field. Please think flexibly, because unusual strange event will happen in this field.



Disponible aussi pour jouer avec.Available to play with Flashpoint 12.1 infinity


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Neutral Elements Escape walkthrough-neutral

In this game, you have to find and use the  items, solve mystery of the room, and escape the room. Good luck , une excellente escape qui vaut de s'attarder dessus (pas facile faut quasiment trois heures) il y a une quatrième pièces sous la cage dragon.. PLAY game

The level of difficulty is most challenging 4, and this game is geared to the player who like to puzzle out fiddly riddles with pen and paper.




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christmas escape 2 walkthrough- neutral -neutralx

Résolvez les indices.In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles Play game



Disponible pour jouer avec.Available to play with Flashpoint 12.1 infinity










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Wicked Room Escape walkthrough - ミニリドル -neutralxe -neutral

Résolvez les énigmes afin de s'échapper, une escape pour le moins agréable (pas facile). In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles(best difficulty).


Disponible pour jouer avec.Available to play with Flashpoint 12.1 infinity


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Morning Room walkthrough-neutralx- neutral

Résolvez les indices.In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles PLAY game .


Disponible pour jouer avec.Available to play with Flashpoint 12.1 infinity


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Christmas escape toy walkthrough- Neutral

Une superbe escape avec des codes pas trop .Résolvez les indices.In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles PLAY game.


Disponible pour jouer avec.Available to play with Flashpoint 12.1 infinity



Des explication des code en images ICI


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RGB escape walkthrough-neutralxe- neutral

Résolvez les indices.In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles .RGB is my second work of ESCAPER series. This time, you must escape from the colorful room not kind to eyes. At first, search items and try to move various objects. There are important hints and messages hidden in many places, look around again if you are stuck. .


Disponible pour jouer avec.Available to play with Flashpoint 12.1 infinity


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Vision walkthrough -neutral

Résolvez les indices.In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles

You are in secret room with no exit... Solve mystery of this room and escape.




Disponible pour jouer avec.Available to play with Flashpoint 12.1 infinity


une aide ICI written


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Christmas escape 1 walkthrough- 크리스마스 이스케이프 -neutral

Résolvez les indices.In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles Play game








Disponible pour jouer avec.Available to play with Flashpoint 12.1 infinity


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Sign walkthrough-3D脱出ゲーム「SIGN(サイン)-neutral

Enfin une superbe escape, trouvez le moyen de s'échapper via des aides...In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles



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Neutral Linkage walkthrough- neutral

Un jeu cohérant ,graphisme de qualité et une logique de jeu indéniable.Un nouveau jeu de chez neutralx de choix.Résolvez les indices.In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles PLAY game.



Aussi Disponible pour jouer avec Flashpoint 12.1 infinity


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Sphere walkthrough- neutral -neutralx

Une superbe escape qui assurément vaut le détour,amusez-vous. Résolvez les indices.In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles PLAY game

Links 2

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Room Escape Game RGB walktrhough-neutralxe

Résolvez les indices. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles



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JO99 Burz-City - The Adventures of Serpentina: Episode 1 walkthrough

Résolvez les indices afin de s'échapper .In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles PLAY game   vous ...

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